Friday, June 12, 2015

Hypocricy Ok, if it attacks Cops or Christians

     As part of the all-out campaign to attack any organization that stands up for truth, justice and the American Way (let alone anything that stands up for sexual moral ethics) the errant (evil?) mindset behind it all has finally, blatantly, directly, contradicted itself.  The questions remain: will anyone notice and will anyone care?
     As the proverbial cliché goes: unless you've lived under a rock for the last few months, you're very aware of the attack on Law Enforcement by the media, the government, their own "superiors" and everyone really.  The silent majority may be behind us but they are... well... silent.  A few political commentators might be trying to score political points by "supporting" Law Enforcement but how many phone calls have they made to police chiefs, senators and congressmen?
     But maybe there's a reason.  Turns out if you even support Law Enforcement, you become the target.  Recently a Miami public school principal was "reassigned" for posting a message supporting the Police Officer in Texas who decentralized a resistive teen and drew his gun on two more teens who were attempting to sneak up on his back.  So what was this principal's 1st Amendment protected comment?  Was it racist, sexist, hateful, derogatory, threatening, or even in ALL CAPS?  I'll let you decide:  Alberto Iber commented on his personal Facebook page: "He did nothing wrong.  He was afraid for his life.  I commend him for his actions."
    Let's analyze this, unlike the AP report of this story, race is not the first thing said about both participants, so the principal's comment cannot be racist in nature.  Neither gender is mentioned by the principal so it is not sexist.  Hateful?  No.  Derogatory?  No  Threatening?  No.  And no, it's not even in all caps.  So why was this principal removed?  According to the Miami-Dade Public Indoctrination Board, Alberto Iber was removed because teachers "are required to conduct themselves, both personally and professionally, in a manner that represents the school district's core values."
     Say what?  So who decides what these "core values" are and where are they listed?  Since when does "core values" play ANY role in the left's actions, unless that core value is "if it feels good do it."
     If that's not enough, this is the EXACT thing the same group (liberal school teachers) is fighting against in San Francisco.  San Francisco, the jewel of the left coast, (St. Francis is smacking his forehead in heaven) recently got a new Archbishop: Salvadore Cordileone.  Some members of San Francisco's elite apparently don't like something the Archbishop did.  So much so, a whopping 100 people signed a petition and took out a newspaper add asking Pope Francis to remove the Archbishop. 
     (An aside: please do not call these 'petitioners' 'Catholics'.  To paraphrase Dr. Peter Kreeft, professor of philosophy at Boston College: Calling these people 'Catholics' is like calling a cannibal a 'chef'.  They hate and oppose everything that makes them Catholics; starting with Jesus Christ and culminating in a mouth-frothing, rabid, hatred of sexual moral truths.)
    What was the Archbishop's crime?  Sexism?  Racism?  Abuse of children?  Decentralizing a resistive teen and justifiably drawing a weapon on two teens sneaking up on him with possible intent to do him harm?  Making a Facebook post in support of police?  Nope.  If those last two had been the source of the attack against him, it still would have been in error but at least it would have been consistent.
     Instead, Archbishop Cordileone's "crime" was insisting that teachers in the Catholic Schools in the archdiocese of San Francisco conduct themselves both personally and professionally, in a manner that represents the Catholic Faith accurately. 

No, I'm not kidding.  No, I'm serious.  You can get up and stop laughing now.

     Whether you're Catholic or anti-Catholic, or anything in between, the problem should be clear: how can a mindset fire someone for violating something that it rails against elsewhere?  Where is the media on this?  Oh, that's right.  They're swallowing it hook, line and sinker.  Where's the government on this?  Oh, look another bobber just went down....
    Either it is good to uphold "core values" and therefore discipline can be leveled against someone who doesn't uphold them, or "core values" are bad and anyone who tries to impose them should be removed.  If we were to apply the standards equally, someone should take out a 1 page add in the Miami Herald calling for the removal of the Miami-Dade Indoctrination Board OR Archbishop Cordileone should be able to remove all the teachers who have been rebelling against Catholic "core values" for decades.
    Which is it?  It can't be both.  I think G.K. Chesterton would say this is one of the reasons people go mad.

Keep Checking you Backplates, Brothers and Sisters,
Keep Up the Fight!
God Save Us!

The Blue Crucifix

P.S. Here's an article deconstructing the 4 complaints in the "add" taken out against the Archbishop.

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